Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Odometer 28100 Mi Temp 44 F 11:13 PM "Your Next Accord"

The movie Wall-E took place in the future where humans board a floating spaceship (because of all the junk we accumulated during our time on Earth and made it now inhabitable) and robots do everything. In one screen the human falls off a floating chair device and couldn't get up because he lost his ability to walk. The robots then help him back up. Well, this is one step closer to reality...and hey it's a Honda, so you know it'll be reliable.

From Honda: U3-X Personal Mobility Prototype

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Odometer 24588 Mi Temp 28 F 8:25 PM "Yeah,"

Urban Dictionary describe "Patrick" as:

All around perfect man and a sexy beast. Known to cause even the most loyal of girls to turn on their boyfriends. Talented with music, words, and kills in any sport he plays. Strong like bull. Always competitive, and ALWAYS wins what he competes in. Some consider to be on the status of not only a god, but THE God.

"Damn, my girl got snatched..."
"Kick his ass dude!"
"Nah man... it was Patrick bro"
"Awww shit... leave it alone, that f***er will kill you"

"I didn't know Jesus went to this school"
"Nah dude... that guy right there, that's Patrick. But they are easily confused"

Makes me think of this song:

Now I know I'm not the most optimistic person in the world, but I'm pretty sure not every guy name Patrick would show up at a bar, club or the supermarket and women drops their clothes. Call that from personal experience. But just in case dress I plan on wearing full football gear while playing the clarinet and quoting from the Bible.

Eat your heart out Patrick Dempesy.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Odometer 21329 Mi Temp 35 F 6:46 PM "Touch of Gray"

Recently a fellow co-worker pointed out "You have a gray hair." What I really wanted to say something really sarcastic, like gees u think?! But I couldn't do it. Instead I thanked her and say it the stress. And because I know deep down, let's face it we're all getting older. I'm damn old. My class just had a 10 yr reunion, more than half are married with kids. I qualified for SSN. I no longer can hold on to my childhood. It's time to grow up. Commit to commitment if you will. Strangely though, while I have fears of many things, having one (several...more like 20+) gray hair doesn't brother me. Maybe because I've seen one too many of Touch of Gray commerical. Having gray hair is sexy. Especially when your interviewing in front of a hottie. Haha! I love society.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Odometer 20211 Mi Temp 59 F 10:44 PM "Rapide"

Aston Martin Rapide: Best looking 4 door ever!

It should only take me about until retirement, not eating, not spending any money to buy one but it'll be so worth it!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odometer 19860 Mi Temp 33 F 8:41 PM "First Snow"

Today was the first snowfall of the season in New England. Pretty early for this part of the area. Lucky for me I had the day off so I thankfully avoided the traffic standstill that is I-84 because even though most of us know how to drive in the snow, most of us don't know how to drive in the snow. But I leave that as separate story.

My first experience with snow wasn't here in the U.S. Rather it was near based of Mt. Fuji. Of course I have no recognition of this wonderful experience other than the family picture posted on the wall. But still I'm sure it was pretty cool. My next snow experience would be several years later in the middle of the Anchorage Alaska airport, eastbound to NYC...